Bridge Bucks B.A.N.K.

Belief Aligned With Natural Kinship

Page 3

Grow Your Abundance

And Assist Others On Their Way to Freedom

The purpose of this page:

How to present Bridge Bucks to others. How to grow your Tree of Life.

Example of a Presentation Conversation

This is a Transcript of the Above Video.

Megan: Good morning Jason, it's great to see you again and welcome to our Coffee Shop. How are you doing? and how may I serve you today?
Jason: Hey Megan! I'm doing great, thanks. I'd like a capuccino please and I have a question. Do you accept credit cards or bridge bucks?
Megan: We accept credit cards but I haven't heard about bridge bucks. What is it? 
Jason: I'm sure you've heard that the economy is going to major shifts and the dollar is about to be replaced by a central bank digital currency, right?
Megan: Yeah, I heard that.
Jason: The central bank digital currency will replace the dollar and the entire community here is stepping into a new-earth stable currency called Bridge Bucks because we want to continue buying and selling even if the dollar disappears. 
Megan: Nice, I like that.
Jason: Bridge Bucks is now my preferred payment method because I am done supporting the old dollar system. Everything is taxed, and taxes are used only to promote wars and poverty. On the other hand, Bridge Bucks allows me to do tithing which promotes peace, abundance and the creation of sustainable villages.

Megan: That sounds great. How does it work?

Jason: Opening a bridge bucks account is easy. The donation is only 5 dollars minimum, and I can do it for you right here from my phone. I'll click my account link and please go ahead and fill out your name and email and your credit card information for the donation. If you don't have your credit card handy now, I can enter mine for now.
Megan: Great, ok, so I'm filling out my name, email and card info. I am done, that was really easy. So, what do I do next?
Jason: Wonderful. On the next page is a Private Membership Agreement. It's the agreement that will allow you become an auxiliary of the Earthwaking organization and by that it will let you start using the new earth bridge bucks.
Megan: Got it. I have read it, and I agree.
Jason: Perfect, and on the next page again fill your name, email and pick a nickname for your new account. 
Megan: Alright, done, submitted. And your capuccino is done too.
Jason: Awesome. We're done. You'll receive an email from Earthwaking Outreach. Set up your password and log in. Watch the videos on the dashboard and I'll connect with you later to set up your wallet and show you how to use it. 
Megan: Wonderful, thanks Jason, enjoy your capuccino.
Jason: You're welcome, Megan and thanks, the capuccino is delicious.

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